Monday, September 28, 2009

Taman Pertanian for cycling 趴趴走


但是,我们是否有点太看得起自己了。。 骑着脚踏车往上行可是件不容易的事情哪~比爬山或跑步还来得吃力。。 才骑不了多远,就开始喘气了。。 中力不足!真是未老先衰哪~需要检讨检讨!还有还有,我发现,我的脚踏车只是下斜坡时用的,往下冲的那刻,真是又快又刺激却超凉快的!至于上坡嘛~还是推着脚踏车用走得好了==ll

除了运动,最最重要当然是拍照了!!不拍不爽,拍了才爽!况且,我那班朋友最多怪搞头了。哈哈~ 怎样?不错吧?我们的自恋倾向可是到了如火如荼的地步。。。。

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Arthur's day Party

A party like this comes once in 250 years, join the worldwide celebration!

"I gotta a feeling...that tonight 's gonna be a good good night~"
Yes, Black Eyed Peas has come to Malaysia for Authur's day Party at Sunway Surf Beach!

Apparently, this event was very successful and crowed with peoples!!

I felt great that been invited by Desmond to be his partner for the event since I was still under my 3 weeks holidays now. The most admirable is that I was free admission... Thanks to Desmond Yap, Thanks to Guinness!! Because of you, we got the free of BEP's autograph CD album. Besides, the most excited part was we were able to get close with BEP, shaked hand with each of them and take photo with them as well~ that's fantastic!!

^^Black Eyed Peas^^

Fergie's is the most i like ><

damn lucky can took photo with them \*0*/

Free of autograph album!

Yes!!! Beers is always a needed in a party!! I look pro as a bartender? nah ~

Time to drinks wei~

~Desmond and me~

Mandy and her bf's Chee Keong!

Cheers~ For tonight!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

诱惑 Seducing

“I should taste of your lips that night!”

My dear, in that dynamic of the night,

You aroused my evil,

made me feeling naughty on you,

You let me close with your chest,

有意无意的摆动着腰肢 ,
and I, intentionally or unintentionally swinging my waist,

kept moving with my body together with the music,

You did not exposed to my trick, my gene of evil,

But Hold my hand tightly,

Around my waist,

Together fall into the fiery and ambiguous atmosphere,

I can felt your breathing beside my ears , sense the heartbeat came from my back,

I smile for my successful.

My dear, I do tempted you,

without take off my clothes, without sexy nightwear,

but is enough to arouse your enthusiasm surging,

Do not doubt, do not confused,

I Just want to indulge myself occasionally,

Remove the hypocritical of angel mask

Let the devil to take over me.

My Movies This Month

I had watched 2 movies in this month once I completed my final exam. I would like to recommend some nice movies to you guys if you have planned to watch movie currently! There are two different kinds of movies that able to make you Schizophrenia if you watch it at the same day. 1st movie that I watched was about the natural disaster of Tsunami that cause of deaths and even lost of home and beloved. The beginning of the story is just a bit funny or might be consider as a bit stupid and boring for some peoples but it was able to bring you up about the story and make you cry at the end of part. Besides to present the sensation scene of Tsunami, this movie also used to tell their audience that YOU must appreciated every single thing in your life, open your heart, put down your stubborn and to communicate more with the one in your life instead of fighting and conflict. Other than that, the movie being used to show the grandness of Front-line workers for example like soldiers or doctors that always put the life of others upon themselves.
The 2nd movie that I watched yesterday together with my friend's Desmond was The Ugly Truth. We tried to find out something to do before start of the Arthur's day party at Sunway Surf Beach. This is not just a common love story that we always perceived but it's a story about the different of perceiving about love between a women & man. I was just pretty surprised that government did not band the movie and censored much on it since its considering a lot of topics about SEX and some dialogues that might be obscene to some peoples, for example about blow jobs, sucking and more. I had almost laughed until lung out at the middle part of this movie regarding to the women vibration toy. This movie is awesome and I believe you won't regret to watch it out!!

As Usual, shopping was the next exercise after watching movie. One of the dress that I tried yesterday at FOREVER 21 which cost around RM112 if not mistaken but it was just revealed my fatty body through the mirror in the fitting room, so I didn't buy it at the end of day. Somehow the patterns of flowers always make me looks old and weird.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

FREE of "face mapping" and "microzone facial" Dermalogica Treatment

爱美真的是女人的天性。今天原本是大考的最后一天, 该认真地把握每分每秒,多看多了解的。结果,一到学校,就被朋友告知,AsterSpring Spa at KLCC 有FREE of "face mapping" and "microzone facial" Dermalogica Treatment costed RM68 for new trial customer. 只需进入以下的网站去做个登记 (Just click in to the link to make a registration & make a call with the contact number that stated on the web page to make an appointment with them.) 然后再顺手拨个电话约个时间就行了。结果,我即时放下笔记,踏入大学里的Comp Lab去登记,后约时间。一考完两个小时的考卷,就跟朋友动身往KLCC去了。ps: I was entered to the wrong hall for my final exam today >.<


我还偷偷的打听了BodyMassage的价钱。。Full Body Massage 有两种,Detox Massage 价于 RM146左右,至于Body Stress Reduction Massage 价于RM174左右~ 至于Half BodyMassage呢,那就除于2咯。每时段是一小时。Body Massage 的价钱还算公道的。Facial就比较贵了。。从RM198 算起 ==li 有兴趣知道更多的朋友,可以随时打去他们的Client Services Careline +603 78096666。他们在很多地方都设有分行。

Monday, September 21, 2009

一念天堂,一念地狱. Heaven or Hell

You say, love alone in heaven, not hell,
You say, love only in the sense of virtue, not to responsibility,
You say, love is only once, do not care about the length of time,
You say, love lies in each other's happiness, not end up with marriage,
You say, love is only to fill the emptiness with each other, not attach to promises and freedom,
I said, your love is selfish,
I said, your love is escape,
I said, your love is physical joy,
I said, your love is casual,
I said, your love is incomplete,
Arms hugging her body close to a close,
Wild passion, wild heart, wild touch,
Trembling of the lips, trembling of seductive body, shaking of the slender legs,
Stimulate the chemical response of desire in body,
Fingertips gently touching the smooth, white skin,
Feelings among the different
Scattered clothing, extended master bedroom from the living room,
Revealing their pressing,
Gently shut the door, cut off from the outside world,
Only to hear each other's breathing sound,
Nonstop with the solicit to fulfill the emptiness of lonely soul,
So comfortable, happy, boiling hot, do I really reached the heaven?
Even though, it really is paradise,
But, can stay for how long?
Next stop, where will be go?
At this moment, you have fallen in love with her;
The next moment, and you forget this one her;
Turn the corner, you have another her.
这不是随“心”, 而是随“性”,
This is not with the "heart", but with the "sex",
Mind, soul and spirit have long been dry, decay.
In fact, you so-called paradise on earth, has long been a hell on earth.

Friday, September 18, 2009






Kim一项都有上夜尿的习惯,为了不要麻烦Joyce, Kim在晚上八点过后,会尽量少喝水。这晚,Kim睡得很沉,或许白天操得太累了,所以这一晚睡得特别沉。直到凌晨三点左右,Kim夜尿的习惯又犯了,不管再入河的不愿意,Kim还是勉强地从温暖的被窝里爬起身。如同往常般的走向对面的床位,小小声地说“Joyce,我想上下厕所。”然后,就拖起了对方的小手,往厕所的方向走。

那条长长的走廊还是一样的黑,今晚,连月光都躲了起来,少了那小小的光线,就连自己的手,都看不清楚的。唯有用比平时还要慢的速度,摸着墙壁,一步一步地走。四周的树木也因为夜里的晚风,“撒撒撒撒地。。。摇晃个不停。。。。”只看见很多树木的影子在墙上窜插着。夜里,所有细微的声音都听得特别的清晰。滴水声,脚步声,甚至是呼吸的声音。。一息一呼的。。变得越来越急促。。。陈旧的校舍,加上夜晚的诡异,把整个空气变得阴深可怕的。 这一刻,真得很希望有把小电筒,至少着四周看起来,不会那么的恐怖。那,就来算步伐吧,分散注意力,那就不会胡思乱想了,开始咯。。。一步,两步,三步,四步,五步,六步,七步,八步。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。三十步。。。。。。六十步。。。快到了,厕所的灯光就在眼前。Kim放开对方的手,赶紧冲进了厕所间来个解决。这时候,Kim的脑袋瓜慢慢的开始苏醒。。身体开始的战抖。。感觉自己的额头开始冒冷汗。Kim这时才想起。。。因为现在是假期,Joyce今早已经回家乡了,下礼拜才会回来,离开前,还再三地提醒自己一个人要小心点。那,刚才我在宿舍里就开始拖着那只手,到底。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。是谁?。。。。。。。现在的她,该开门去趟个究竟?还是继续把自己深锁在厕所间内呢?。。。。。。。。。。。你说呢?。。。。。。。。。。。。



到底。。是谁?“或许Joyce并没有回到去? 别在自己吓自己了!”自己在里头喃喃自语地,似乎在安慰着自己,试着将自己那慌乱恐惧的情绪冷静下来。。“没错,Joyce平时最爱跟我闹了。”“咯。。。!咯。。。!咯。。。!”敲门声顿时响起。。轻轻地,慢慢地敲了三下。该出去了吗?Kim心里在犹豫着。。如果那真得不是Joyce呢?“咯!咯!咯!”又来了,这次,敲得更急,更响!“Joyce? 是你吧?可以回应下我吗?别闹了。Joyce?是你吗?”Kim带着疑惑的口气问道。但,换来的是一片沉静。。。敲门声也不再响起。停了下来。只听到一声接一声的滴水声。。学生总是没把水龙头关紧。。。


Kim将耳朵靠在厕所间的门板上,仔细得听着门外的动静。但,除了滴水声,什么都没有。好吧! 就是这时候了。。现在出去,应该没问题吧? “一,二,三,卡!”Kim一把门打开。。。。。。。。



Kim一把门打开,不敢乱瞄厕所的任何一个角落,眼里只望着大门的方向,头也不回地正想往外跑,这时候,却不小心地被东西绊了一角,摔倒了地。Kim感觉膝盖好像受伤了。。液体慢慢地从膝盖留了下来。。耳朵听见了“哒哒哒哒哒。。。。。”的脚步声从后方传来,越来越靠靠近自己的脚边。。很清晰地,慢慢的。。。。。。眼睛不知觉地闭了起来,心脏也“扑通扑通”的跳个不停。。。口里不断的念着“阿弥陀佛。。阿弥陀佛。。。阿弥陀佛。。阿弥陀佛。。。。。。。”千万别过来,别过来。。。。。谁?到底是谁?。。。 别再靠近了。。拜托你。。不管你是谁。。。Kim不断祈祷着,慌张害怕得不能自己。。。









“嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀嘀...”一早就被那闹钟吵醒。。真是有够盖的!Kim心不甘,情不愿地伸了个懒腰,望了望对面的床铺,是空的。“咦?一大早就不见了?去了哪?回家乡了吗?还是出去办事情了?打给她好了。”Kim拿起手机,拨了个号。“嘟。。嘟。。嘟。。嘟。。嘟。。”怎么接不上呢?心想:等晚点忙完了年度新生活动的事宜,再试着联络她吧!Kim如此的盘算着。只是没想到,一忙就忙到了晚上八点。活动出现了点小问题,不得不马上解决。幸好有Mike, Jessie, Ruby, Oracle, August干部们的帮忙。不然,不知道还要花上多少时间才能完成。就不知道,Joyce回来了没?还是回去看看吧!

“Joyce?Joyce?呃,原来睡觉了。还在嘛~”Kim 一回到宿舍,就看见Joyce 早已把自己埋在被窝里了。“好累呢!我也来小睡片刻好了。晚点,再叫Joyce起身一起去吃夜宵。”Kim很快的就进入了梦乡。她并没有梦见王力宏或是金成武,但却梦见了Joyce。梦见了Joyce穿着她最爱的那件白沙连身群,站在路的另一端对她说话。。可惜Kim听不见Joyce到底对她说了些什么。。只看见她的嘴唇在动,脸带愁容的。Kim开不了口,也动不了。。。然后,看着。。。。Joyce在她眼前,慢慢的消失不见。。。








*Based on requested from some of my friends, I had moved my ghost story from my previous blog to locate here. Enjoy the story and leave some critic or comment.Thanks.

客观的态度.Objective Attitude

If someone feel angry and making noice due to one of your short comment that u dropped on her post,
And made a vehement response from these,
What is the cause reason do you think from her reaction?
Because we really misunderstood the meaning of what she would like to express?
Or we did said something that she wants to conceal in mind?
About the answer, only the author's mind will be know.
We cannot just rely on rhetoric, the words from mouth to prove the truth.
As the script from mee product's Sedap advertisement:
"The words spoken from mouth can be deceiving, but the taste of food, the mouth will not be deceived."
In fact, the mouth is not only used to deceptive, but used to hypnosis themselves too without notice.
However, this is not the main point that I would like to present in this post,
The truth is non of my business.
Why do i need to bother on it?
The main point is that although the blog is used to record each of the human things,
But, it's also as a platform for the sharing of life,
It is kind of open, completely nothing to do with the privacy.
Any place, any time, any single person,
Whether familiar or entirely unknown,
Have easy access to this small space,
Each point of view is just based on their own feeling, different perception and interpretion,
As a blogger, should be based on objective attitude to accept everyone's comments,
If you think that the other misunderstood, wrong perceived on your message,
You can choose to reply with your feedback,
Or may to ignore.
Not used your words from mouth to hurt others,
just to release your anger.
If you couldn't open your heart to receive the comment no matter in good or bad,
Then I suggest you, please set up your own blog with password, lock it, it would be complete privacy. people unable to access and leave any msg or comment without your permittion.
Therefore, no one will misunderstand you, or give in some comment that you do not prefer to read.
For my side, I will not step into your blog anymore,
In order to ensure my own security.


A lot of time, peoples think of return to the past,
Perhaps trying to locate lost loved ones, loss of achievements, lost of opportunities, lost of love,
Even the singers'sJay Chou also has a song called "return to the past."
And, I was just trying to get back myself.
That the old me.....
That time, I have not lost loved ones, and there was no loss of career and accomplishments,
But I lost my confidence, optimism, brave and the spirit of challenges for life.
I was just trying to get them back into my life.
Unfortunately, in the way of searching, I lost, and weariness, and give up.
Allowed myself live with the days of chaos and decadence,
I just let myself be like that since the things we wanted most always unattainable.
Once though, there is nobody would realise of my changes,
毕竟面具戴久了, 戴多了,也就习惯了,分不出真伪了。
After all, wearing masks for a long time, you get used to, and no one is able to distinguish between the real and fake of a person.
Until one of my buddy asked me:
“你近来是不是发生了什么事?没办法解决也懊恼吗?总觉得你好像变得不一样了, 尤其是那随便面对生活的态度。”
"Any happened on you lately? still unable to find a solution and feel upset? I Always feel that you seem to have become different, and in particular those casual attitudes toward life."
To awaken a dreamer as me!
and I only realised that the original friend is always aware of changes,
Is less than that time, they will never ask from us,
Perhaps it is just a very sympathetic fear for our sad, afraid that we have a very difficult look.
In fact, no big deal, actually I just lost a relationship, and my honestly.
I cannot say that he never give me the joy & happiness, but do not forget, joy and injury is always co-exist.
Love has long been put aside, after all, is my own choice.
But the one of me who are no self-confident, always doubt on herself and decadent,
are left unsolved.
Therefore, there is period of time, I wish to back in time badly.
Jesper, my friend told me:
"Nobody can go back to the past, even if you back your past self, but she is somewhat different. Change is not necessarily a bad thing. No matter how it become, is still you. Instead of kept searching for the past of you, you should have to accept and understanding of the present and let her get better. "
A simple words, enough to let me wake up.
Now, I began to like this to me.
love my life now.
Perhaps because really learned to let go of everything, including my own past.
Friends, always when needed, gave me a little surprise.
Over the past I have returned to the memories;
Now, I also worked in live;
As for the future, I am also looking forward to. .
Because of my life now, I believe the future should be in better shape.
Shanshan, do you noticed it? I changed.
I live sober.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mission trip- my 1st tried in life.

I had breaking my own record without update my blog more than 2 months. Don't blame on me because that was out of my control due to all the assignments deadlines within these 2 months plus busying with my final exam too. I really exhausted physically & mentally for the past few weeks. Lucky just left another 1 paper to go after Hari Raya holidays.

No matter what, I was still "curi tulang" for two days to achieve my mission- climbing on past 2 weeks. We departed from my house around 4am and started to climb from the foot of the mountain at 5am. Why do I say this is a mission trip? This kind of activities is still a bit over depletion for me. Without surprise, I just collapse at the middle way... oppss.. Actually not even middle yet. It just made me felt scare, helpless, and difficultly. Yet, felt great has a lot of friends around me who kept encourage and take care of me. Finally, we were able to make it and took a lot of wonderful pictures on the top of hill with brilliant smiling. friends, you would never know how much I love you all and appreciated !! Everything was just out of our plan; we went to Seremban after that just for a breakfast following with Port Dickson and seafood. How great for our 1 day trip!

Assignments deadline are around the corner!

Currently I had spent most of my time on assignments from day to night which made me a bit sick and exhausted.. the deadlines for those assignments are around the corner but yet haven’t done yet… However, life is still goin on! Hope everything will be fine and go smooth!

Friendship.Full stop.

Currently, someone just said I insincerely as a friend and decided by side to break off the relations with me through a message. Honestly, this message it was just enough to swift my mood from happy as living on the cloud to bad as shit! How difficult for me to be cure from the past, release myself from all the sorrow but how can he just simply destroyed all my effort just with a called and message while he facing his own family problem, emotional like a child? Just make me feel bad and doubt with myself again. Do I really make people feel like I was really insincerely as a friend? What is friend about then? Give me a definition of friendship. I guess there’s none of absolutely answer.

For my side, I think I had already done for what I supposed to do with my ability. I don’t own you my time and life as u wish. There are too many things for me to do for life like Studies and career plan. Work hard to make ourselves and our parents’ life even better in quality. Work hard and play hard for life is what we suppose to do now. I cannot tell you or list out all my tasks to prove that I’m really busy and pressure here. It seems very ridiculous and childish. But Friendship, no need a word, but we still could understand each other. Friendship, no need to meet frequently but we still know what they are doing sometimes, as long as they are staying healthy and keep struggle for their own living. Maybe I just didn’t spend my time as much as you expect for, and never do much as a friend with your perceive. Oh well, then just out of my life if you think so. I had no more energy to console and explain each for you since you had already made your own conclusion without think from my side.

Humans really used to create a lot of problems but unfortunately there’s too many things for me to solve at the moment which are more priority and important. Maybe we were wrong last time, that’s really not an easy task for us to keep as friend. I think this is the best solution between us. I will clear it out soon once I clear up my entire task here. But please, dun just simply comes to influence my emotional again no matter what. I need some space to breathe for live. Nothing more I can be settling and hold on now.

Pre-convo shooting

Me, Fione & Stacy

Jaslyn & me

My style for pre-convo photo album^^looks sexy?come on babe...

Rendezvous Steak Garden

It’s a gathering with my lovely buddies at Rendezvous Steak Garden. Happy birthday to Li Peng(the 2nd white shirt lady from right) & Seok Yong (Pink lady)… Besides, Chi San (Blue shirt) and Li Peng will continue with their master course now in UPM… all the best for both!! May dreams come true!

Quote Today

“Sometimes, the feeling of love is just something misty with illusion. However, at this moment, allow me to sink into the wonderful illusion. Enjoy the feeling of love before the new day coming.”

Quote Today

“I had no idea how could I start have feeling on you and now I afraid that we will lose our tacit understanding for the change, hesitate and not yet ready to leap the boundaries of love.”


I had tried a dress at Topshop KLCC by today after my lecturer class. The dress really looks nice and gorgeous which can fit my body pretty well but still a bit expensive for me. Anyway, have to promise myself to work even harder. One day, I wil become a financial independent women who able to grab watever she want without any high consideration.

Mockscreen for web page design

DeSiGn 1
DeSiGn 2


That’s really difficult to have a cool’s sunglasses which is match with my SMALL face!!! I just look like a HOUSEFLY now! Hope can acting cool~~Actually today I went to Nichii Fashion City, Fraser Business Park with Jaslyn to hunt for white collared blouses (requirement for the photo taking session) but ended up with purchased on another two dressses:) something bad happened was my card was denied by cashier…argh!! how stupid!!


I was rebirth once currently as the pupal transform into a beautiful butterfly through metamorphosis. Butterfly only rebirth once in life but a matter for rejoicing is we can growth and rebirth few in life as a human. Each of the development will make us become attractively and strongly. Our life is just like a sea- wide, full of unexpectations and endless of opportunities.